This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals/personal care products (PPCPs). Study objective was to examine whether molecular descriptors/properties are capableof predicting the breakthrough of a varied setof EDCs/PPCPs, and whether the same properties that are considered atppm/ppb concentrations still relevant at ppt(part-per-trillion) levels. The research approach involved the following: rapid small scale column tests (RSSCTs) withactivated carbons and water dosed with EDCs/PPCPs;measure effluent EDC/PPCP concentrations using liquidchromatography and mass spectrometry (SNWA);measure pore volume and slurry pH of test carbons;collect and/or calculate set of properties and structuraldescriptors for test compounds; and,normalize test data between carbons and test theoreticallylikely predictors (a0.001) for correlation with test outcome. Presentation conclusions were that: adsorption at very low concentrations can often contradictintuition (e.g. Log Kow - reduced influence);even at ppt levels, pore volume and slurry pH are still decidingfactors for an aqueous phase carbon's ability; and,one predictor can describe the adsorption of many differenttypes of compounds, but may not describe all levels ofbreakthrough. Includes figures.
Product Details
Edition: Vol. - No. Published: 11/01/2009 Number of Pages: 33File Size: 1 file , 2.3 MB